I've done many interviews, but this was the first time a guest threatened my life. I've been threatened with violence many times, but nobody has uttered the phrase "take you out" until last week.
On our last show I interviewed Dr .David Suzuki. On a side note, do real doctors get upset because they have the same title as Environmental Alarmists? I mean you have a heart surgeon who saves lives for a living called a doctor and you have a guy who is a professional fundraiser who preaches unproven global warming myths also called a doctor. Anyway “Dr” Suzuki did not like me questioning his theories and the interview got a little heated. This is the transcript from the last part of the interview.
Suzuki: I don’t like your attitude, and more importantly nature does not like your attitude. So when you go outside you better watch it because an eagle, a rabbit or a cougar may take you out if you know what I mean.
Craig: Are you putting a nature hit on me?
Suzuki: I know nature and nature has a karma like way to get even with non believers.
Craig: What are you like Aquaman? You talk telepathically to the animals?
Suzuki: Aquaman is made up. But Global Warming is real and people who do not believe are crazy bad people.
Craig: What was the deal with Aquaman anyway? Talking to fish and squid are neat, but if a crime is committed on land he is kind of useless. As long as you stay in Las Vegas you don’t have to worry about Aquaman.
At that point Suzuki started choking on a granola bar and hung up on me. I think he started choking on purpose because he didn’t want to answer my tough questions about global warming and Aquaman.
I will be away this Friday and will return on April 17th. Tommy Carson is taking me to Seattle for the Mariners first game of the season. Tommy somehow befriended a couple of executives at Exxon and they gave him Suite tickets for the game. I wasn’t going to go until I heard Tommy say, “free beer in the suite”.
Suzuki: I don’t like your attitude, and more importantly nature does not like your attitude. So when you go outside you better watch it because an eagle, a rabbit or a cougar may take you out if you know what I mean.
Craig: Are you putting a nature hit on me?
Suzuki: I know nature and nature has a karma like way to get even with non believers.
Craig: What are you like Aquaman? You talk telepathically to the animals?
Suzuki: Aquaman is made up. But Global Warming is real and people who do not believe are crazy bad people.
Craig: What was the deal with Aquaman anyway? Talking to fish and squid are neat, but if a crime is committed on land he is kind of useless. As long as you stay in Las Vegas you don’t have to worry about Aquaman.
At that point Suzuki started choking on a granola bar and hung up on me. I think he started choking on purpose because he didn’t want to answer my tough questions about global warming and Aquaman.
I will be away this Friday and will return on April 17th. Tommy Carson is taking me to Seattle for the Mariners first game of the season. Tommy somehow befriended a couple of executives at Exxon and they gave him Suite tickets for the game. I wasn’t going to go until I heard Tommy say, “free beer in the suite”.