Monday, August 10, 2009

Interview Causes "Up With People" Member to Attempt Suicide

We are back. As Tommy Carson explained in his blog, never download a foot fetish video from Lou Spector. I think my computer got the swine flu as they had to send it to Japan to get the foot fetish virus fixed.

On our last show

We interviewed Tick Rothchild, the musical director for the legendary group Up With People live from Denver. Unfortunately, the interview didn’t go well. (My interviews never go well, but this was worse than most) I must have hit a nerve when I asked him if he ever got tired of being happy and positive all the time. Tick got angry and went on a rant saying that nobody likes positive music as evident by the fact that he does not make as much as Eminem and no woman wants to date a positive happy singer living in a van like him.

Later we got a call from another Up With People official who said Tick was on top of his van threatening to jump. That’s when I called in the best person I know who could help talk him down – Tommy Carson. Tommy has talked me down from a building many times so he knows what he is doing. Tommy got Tick to not to focus on his past failures, but to focus on getting revenge on all the people who screwed him. So if you are enemies of Tick expect to receive a bogus magazine subscription, a fake Craigslist ad with your phone number or a flaming bag of dog poo on your door.

Rod Stewart (or so he claimed) also called and apologized to his fan for cancelling his show in Victoria. He said he was getting over a cold and a scheduling conflict forced the show cancellation although he is still playing in Vancouver the next night. Stewart (or so he claimed) said it had nothing to do with poor ticket sales even though only 1000 people were willing to pay $200 to see Rod Stewart perform. When I enquired why don’t you release any new material anymore, Stewart (or so he said claimed) said, “the only new material I need is my wife. Penny Lancaster is younger than my daughter” Stewart (or so he said claimed) then started making weird sounds and I’m not sure if he was choking, laughing or having a stroke so I hung up the phone.

See you Friday, hopefully there will not be any more suicide attempts.


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